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Living in Uncertainty: The Feeling That Defines Our Time
How We Learn to Thrive in a World Without Guarantees “I’m finally doing this,” I thought on my way to the voting section in Amsterdam....
Alexandra Hobai
Feb 108 min read

Is it just Publicity, or do they want a Reaction?
Imagine it’s early 2016, and you are a citizen living in a northern english city. Over the past decade, your financial situation has...
Oscar Kelleran
Feb 37 min read

The Paradox of Aid: Rewarding Corruption?
“Every dollar that a corrupt official or a corrupt businessperson puts in their pocket is a dollar stolen from a pregnant woman who needs...
Lola Harding
Dec 28, 20244 min read

How Moral Psychology Can Help in Bridging Political Divides
Beyond Reason: Instincts, Morality, and the Political Divide “How on Earth can anyone vote for [fill in the blank]?” This year, this...
Katharina Fellhofer
Dec 23, 20246 min read

The Quiet Comfort of Sad Songs
“Happiness is a sad song.” - Charles M. Schulz Headphones on, staring out of the window as heartbreaking music blasts through your...
Tomas Trusilo
Dec 13, 20245 min read

The City of Light : The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of American Cities
Buffalo was once the City of Light — the first city with electricity — fully powered by Nikola Tesla’s new AC turbines with renewable...
Oscar Kelleran
Dec 6, 20246 min read

Breaking Bonds: The UK Mini-Budget and the Treasury Turmoil
The not-so-mini budget that nearly caused another Lehman moment The economic landscape of the United Kingdom witnessed significant...
Eva Juzna
Nov 11, 20249 min read

Afraid to Get Your Hands Dirty?
Keeping clean takes work. Every evening, we dutifully wash off the debris of the day. When we were young, perhaps we had to be taught, but
Ng Zhi Rui
Oct 31, 20248 min read

Making Green From Green: The Influence of ESG Scores on European Stock Returns
Exploring Stock Performance Through an Enhanced Fama-French Model Suppose you are presented with a choice between a blue pill and a red...
Shravya Gowda
Oct 8, 20246 min read

Does EU Law Effectively Mitigate Online Disinformation’s Influence on Elections?
“The mind of the enemy and the will of his leaders is a target of far more importance than the bodies of his troops.” — Mao Zedong The...
Henry Kurze
Sep 16, 20244 min read

Turning Up the Heat: How Climate Risks Are Shaping Investment Strategies
This summer, the 22nd of July marked the hottest day recorded on Earth (Copernicus Climate Change Service, 2024) . In fact, the...
Sylvia Luptakova
Aug 26, 20244 min read

Navigating Nonlinear Dynamics in the Economy: The Impact of Job Openings on Unemployment
The Federal Reserve embarked on an aggressive tightening cycle in 2022, raising interest rates from nearly 0% to a range between 5.25%...
Elias Griepentrog
Jul 26, 20245 min read

Make your work visible by publishing in the Rostra Thesis Series!
Did you put a lot of effort into your thesis, did you reach interesting conclusions, or did you explore a novel concept in your subject...
Rostra Economica
Jul 18, 20242 min read

Metaverse: Exploring Business Opportunities and Cryptocurrency Trends
A pair of digital Nike shoes were sold for 134k. A box of virtual land, $4.3 million. Why?
Kawtar Rettab
May 15, 20249 min read

How Nudges Can Shape Parenthood: Interventions on parental involvement and child-caregiver interactions
Family environments in the first years of life are key to a child's development. Recent evidence in the field of behavioral economics...
Juanita Bloomfield
May 2, 20242 min read

Can Carbon Label Help Fighting Climate Change?
It is just before 13.00. Hungry, you rush to the UvA canteen after a long class. Same steps and same classmates as many other days, but...
Davide Pace
Feb 15, 20245 min read

Monke and Capital: Exposition on the Systems of Labour
In the evolutionary timeline, it is not easy to get around the means by which certain evolutionary artefacts have attached themselves to...
Santiago Mengual
Oct 16, 202320 min read

The Value of Timekeeping: A Reappraisal of Past and Current Meaning
Dalle AI Nine billionths of a second. A unit of measurement so accurate that, by comparison, a wristwatch becomes a blunt instrument for...
John Gatev
Oct 5, 20236 min read

Quit Smoking: How Wealth is Built of Metaphysics and Cigarettes
There are many reasons why people struggle to quit smoking, but it almost always concerns a wrong understanding of how they perceive...
Santiago Mengual
Jun 14, 202313 min read

The Myth Of Communications Artistry: Exploring The Value Of A Scientific Approach For Organisations
Within the rigidity of corporate structures, there is no function more ill-defined than that of communications. Conjuring images of...
John Gatev
May 16, 20234 min read
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