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Juan Felipe Gaviria
Nov 30, 20215 min read
Novel Political Leaders: A Lie in Disguise
Young political candidates seem to have a flair to them. They resonate with the young. They represent change and bring a fresh twist to a...

Miguel Adan Marquez
Nov 24, 20216 min read
The “Green Blues”
Conservatism has been one of the main political ideologies of western-style democracies since before WWII. It comes in many flavors, from...

Andre Fontes
Nov 23, 20216 min read
Semiautomatic Tears: An Exploration of the Rittenhouse Trial
Kyle Rittenhouse has just been cleared of all charges. For those among you who have followed the trial (or not, opinions are a dime a...

Inga Steenblock
Nov 19, 20216 min read
Economic Perspectives from the Fight Against Climate Change
While the cost of losing the fight against global warming would be immense, the fight itself is hampered by the fact that some countries...

Oliver Ujvarossy
Nov 15, 20215 min read
Historical role of working and the vague future
Ora et labora. Pray and work. This was one of the main teachings of Catholicism in the Middle Ages, giving many people what they needed:...

Matej Vanko
Nov 10, 20216 min read
Changes to the EU’s fiscal policies – paving the way for a Sovereign Debt Crisis 2.0?
It goes without saying that the Covid-19 pandemic has been the topic of the last two years. However, the negative indirect impact on the...

Audrius Šaras
Nov 9, 20216 min read
The fight against unlawful migrants and the unsettling conflict at the Eastern European Union border
Recurring cybersecurity attacks, spreading fake news on governmental websites, interfering with the emails of the MPs, developing...

Stella Botta
Nov 9, 20216 min read
Sharing Covid-19 vaccines: a duty of Western countries?
Since the pandemic’s start, it has always been clear which countries would have had a head start in their vaccination campaign and...

Wouter Hekking
Nov 4, 20216 min read
Stimulus Spikes and Tax Hikes
In April, President Biden delivered a clear message to wealthy Americans: “Your taxes will be raised.” As expected, business lobbyists...

Meriç Özsüer
Nov 4, 20215 min read
Susan Kigula – The Pioneer of Justice
On October 22nd, Susan Kigula visited the University of Amsterdam as part of the monthly Room for Discussion conversations. Since the...

Sofia Quiñones-Vilela
Nov 3, 20215 min read
Evergrande, Or Ever-gone?
Evergrande Real Estate is one of the world’s largest property development companies. Situated in Beijing, Evergrande is the largest...

Andre Fontes
Nov 2, 20215 min read
Christianity and Climate Change: Left-wing Discourse through a Christian Lens
Last Saturday from Rome, Pope Francis addressed lawmakers from around the globe, with a message of unity. Francis urged that political...
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