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  • Python Hunters: Florida's Fearless Warriors Battling the Everglades Invasion

    What Are The Florida Everglades? The Florida Everglades span over 1.5 million acres and are located in central and southern Florida. It is one of the world’s largest wetland ecosystems that is incredibly biodiverse, and it has become world-renowned for its rich and abundant wildlife. Take for example, the vast array of three hundred different bird species that the Everglades National Park alone provides a home for.   The Everglades have also been home to indigenous groups such as the Miccosukee and Seminole tribes, many of whom still inhabit the area today. Many other non-native Floridians also inhabit this area and rely on the everglades for their home, food supplies, and more. Thus, the Everglades holds not only environmental, but also cultural significance for the sunshine state. The Everglades landscape has been decreasing since the 1800s, as people began inhabiting and changing the area by controlling the water supply and building houses. This disrupted the original habitats of many animals and began impacting the ecosystem, leading to a relatively unbalanced equilibrium.  Amidst this landscape of disruption, the Burmese python has emerged as a particularly destructive force, exploiting these imbalances to wreak unprecedented havoc on the Everglades' delicate ecosystem. Author: Greg Lovett   Source: The Palm Beach Post From Pet to Apex Predator: How Burmese Pythons Took Over Florida The Burmese python is a constrictor snake native to Southeast Asia, found in countries such as India, China, Thailand, and, as its name suggests, Burma, or modern-day- Myanmar. These pythons can reach lengths of over 20 feet, which is around 6.1 meters. They are incredibly strong, with their body being largely composed of pure muscle.  The precise reasons behind the explosive growth in their numbers and the severity of the problem remain unclear. However, the most commonly accepted theory links it to the exotic pet trade. According to the Everglades National Park, in the 1970s to 1980s, many people kept pythons as pets, but due to their extremely large size and generally difficult to manage nature, many owners released them into the wild.  Another theory for the current python circumstances is in regards to Hurricane Andrew in 1992, a Category 5 storm — the highest classification for hurricanes. The hurricane destroyed a python breeding facility, resulting in the release of all the pythons held there into the wild. It is unknown the exact or even approximate number of pythons in the Floridan wild. The Everglades National Park estimates that it could be anywhere from tens to hundreds of thousands of  Burmese pythons roaming around in the ecosystem. It is also remarkably difficult to find and track these animals, as they are masters at camouflage and exceptional at hiding their nests, whether above ground or underground. This makes it nearly impossible for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission to be able to keep track of or control the number of these pythons. Additionally, pythons reproduce at an alarming rate; each female lays an average of 35 to 100 eggs per clutch. This reproductive capacity means that the python population could potentially multiply every year.  The Devastating Impact of Pythons on the Everglades The issue with Burmese pythons as an invasive species is that there are no natural predators to control their population. As a result, these pythons have become the apex predators in the Everglades with an unlimited food source. Pythons are even known to eat alligators throughout their lifetime. In fact, according to Everglades National Park, pythons play a role in controlling the alligator population. This imbalance has led to the decline and near extinction of many native species in the Everglades. A 2012 study on mammal decline in the Florida Everglades, covering the years 1997 to 2012, revealed a dramatic drop in the populations of several native mammals. Bobcats experienced an 87.5% decline, opossums faced a 98.9% drop, white-tailed deer numbers decreased by 94.1%, and raccoons saw a 99.3% decline. Furthermore, marsh rabbits and foxes have effectively disappeared. Meanwhile, more of these animals are being found in the stomachs of captured pythons, highlighting the troubling trend of declining native populations alongside the surging numbers of Burmese pythons. Another concern is that since pythons are facing diminishing food sources in their natural habitat, they are increasingly venturing into populated areas. This raises significant fears among residents, as the pythons may begin to seek alternative food sources in these heavily human-populated environments.  Florida’s Fight Back: The Rise of the Python Hunters To tackle the destruction caused by invasive Burmese pythons, Florida state authorities have taken steps to get a handle on the ever-growing population. They've launched a python elimination program, which, according to Everglades National Park, currently has about 50 contractors on board. These contractors can earn up to $15 per hour, plus an extra $50 for every python they catch, and a $25 bonus for each additional foot if the snake is over 4 feet long. The program has been making progress, with an average of 4000 pythons being captured each month. The Sunshine State also has competitions such as the Florida Python Challenge, an annual 10-day event which attracts competitors from all around. These competitors come down to Florida in hopes of catching the longest Burmese python and earning the $30,000 prize. Outside of this challenge, the state does not pay individuals for killing pythons unless they are approved contractors.  According to the BBC, Florida has also added Burmese pythons to its prohibited species list. This makes it illegal to buy, sell, or transport pythons unless they were previously owned.  Furthermore, current owners must have their pets registered and have microchips implanted into them.  The state also encourages its residence to humanely kill pythons if seen on private property, with the consent of the land owner. Florida also has a guide on how to humanely kill these snakes to minimize suffering for the snakes. On the Hunt: How Python Hunters Capture Their Prey First and foremost, for these hunters, it is of the utmost importance to distinguish between the native Everglades snakes and the Burmese pythons. This is because there are also many venomous and deadly native snakes that can be found within the everglades. These include snakes such as the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, the Coral Snake, the Pygmy Rattlesnake, and the Florida Cottonmouth. The Florida Cottonmouth is infamous because if bitten by one, its venom would paralyze your diaphragm, and without respiratory help, could lead to death in only three minutes. It is important that hunters wear the proper clothes in order to avoid any potential bites from Burmese pythons, or any other snakes found. Despite Burmese pythons not being venomous, they are still capable of inflicting severe bites which could be costly. For example, if bitten in an artery, severe bleeding could occur, leading to death very quickly. Moreover, Burmese pythons are constrictors and, if large enough, could kill someone by squeezing them to death. These hunters are truly heroes, putting their lives on the line every time they venture into the wild.  Now, the usual goal for python hunters is to locate, capture, and remove them. There are a variety of ways which hunters use to track these animals, ranging from high-tech devices, the use of dogs or other animals, and plain old searching.  Once located, some hunters use snake tongs to gain control over the snake’s head, which helps in keeping a safe distance from bites. However, many seasoned python hunters, such as the well-known "Python Cowboy," prefer to use their bare hands. This approach allows for greater control over the snake. In order to use this hands-on method, hunters need to get the snake into a U-shape, with the tail under control and the head facing you. Ideally, you want the snake to start striking at you, exposing its neck. This is when the hunter can hopefully dodge the strike, and quickly pin down the head. The hunters should also have a bag or container to ensure the safe and humane transportation of the snake. Most of the snakes caught will be euthanized. However, the ones that are not killed will most likely be utilized in an educational or research capacity.  According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) unless the python capturers are contracted members with the state, then the pythons must be killed on site of where they were found and captured. Transportation of the pythons in this case is not permitted. There are also specific state guidelines on how to humanely kill the pythons. This is thankfully protected by legal and ethical laws. The Road Ahead: The Future of the Everglades and Python Control As awareness spreads about the invasive Burmese pythons and the brave individuals risking their lives daily to save the environment, the fight to protect the Everglades is more important than ever. As aforementioned, controlling the python population is very challenging, but the honorable hunters are stepping up to restore balance to this delicate ecosystem one snake at a time. If you’re interested in potentially going on a python hunt yourself, you can join hunts like those with South Florida Fishing & Hunting where you can get an all-inclusive, fully guided python hunting adventure. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned hunter, these experiences offer a chance to hone your hunting skills while aiding the effort to save the Everglades. Recommended Videos: Experience the Thrill of Python Hunting  If you're curious about what it’s like to step into the boots of a python hunter, these two thrilling videos offer a firsthand look at the challenges and dangers faced by some of Florida's hunters: BITTEN by a GIANT SNAKE in the Everglades... Hunting w/ "The Python Cowboy" Bitten and Almost Eaten Alive by an Over 17-Foot Python  These videos provide a vivid, up-close perspective on the bravery and skill required to protect the Everglades from the invasive Burmese python.

  • Does EU Law Effectively Mitigate Online Disinformation’s Influence on Elections?

    “The mind of the enemy and the will of his leaders is a target of far more importance than the bodies of his troops.” — Mao Zedong The art of war has always held psychological manipulation in high regard, and postmodern conflicts are not different, taking full advantage of the informational capacities of the 21st century. However, the Russian propaganda surrounding the war in Ukraine , as well as China’s cyber- and lawfare with Taiwan , are only the tips of a giant iceberg. Political actors are trying to influence decision-making worldwide and at every level of society, with the European Union’s External Action Service identifying no less than 750 recorded cases of foreign disinformation in 2023 . Aside from influencing public opinions on issues and thereby altering political support, those interferences are much more threatening in times of participatory or even deliberative decision-making. In democratic countries, disinformation is a vital threat to free elections, often targeting candidates or, more likely, whole parties to influence election outcomes. 2024 has been hailed as the ‘year of elections’ with about a third of the world population heading to the polls , making this threat ever more relevant. Notably, the increasing prevalence of political content on online platforms and search engines offers ample opportunities for users to encounter factually incorrect information. With this in mind, how do you inform your voting? Psychologically speaking, many factors influence an individual’s political behaviour and decision-making, ranging from biologically anchored personality traits to personal values, identities, and emotions to the influence of their social context . Research suggests that the search, processing, and use of information about any decision-making is guided by pre-designed templates that aid us in making sense of a nearly infinitely complex world, e.g. in the form of rigid beliefs or even ideologies . This form of judgement is especially helpful when forming opinions about groups of people with very different beliefs than oneself without the opportunity for prolonged engagement. One well-founded theory suggests that in these cases, one’s liking of an outgroup rests on three central, simultaneous comparisons to one’s own group: Do you share the same goal? Are they perceived as more or less powerful than you? Are they perceived as culturally inferior or superior to you? While many more possible assessments exist, these three are considered the most impactful in determining one’s position towards an outgroup . Positive opinions towards an outgroup are expected when you share the same goal and estimate their power and cultural sophistication at approximately equal levels. Should any of these assessments differ, the consequence will likely range from disliking to outright derogating the outgroup. Here, disinformation may work effectively when it supplies false accounts that tip the balance on these judgements. To those ends, it may also abuse common cognitive biases like the fundamental attribution error or diverse mental shortcuts that are necessary to keep up with the immense information load of our everyday lives. On a societal level, political scientists identified three ways in which disinformation threatens the integrity of democratic elections. Although the EU recognised the threat of disinformation on ‘very large online platforms and search engines’ as a ‘systemic risk’ in its 2022 Digital Services Act (DSA), its legal protection regarding the following threats to democracy suffers from significant holes. First, disinformation distorts decision-making and perhaps even facilitates disengagement with the news in general. While platforms and search engines are mandated to assess and mitigate disinformation threats, the lack of a concrete definition of disinformation and the largely self-responsible due diligence obligations placed on providers hinder adequate protection. Moreover, despite the support of fact-checking organisations, specific arrangements for detecting and treating factually wrong content have yet to be established. Second, disinformation can fuel polarisation and segregation by spreading false claims about political groups. This threat is well-ameliorated by empowering users vis-a-vis algorithms to make choices about the functioning of the recommender systems. The right to a user experience without personal profiling, as defined under Art. 4, section 4 of the GDPR , is especially worth mentioning. Third, disinformation via illegitimate accounts and information sources can impair trust in fundamental democratic processes and institutions, thus further opening the readiness to engage with alternative, likely compromised media sources . Despite platform providers’ obligations to identify and catalogue the origins and details of political advertisements and sponsors, this threat is not well met since this regulation does not affect the more informal, interpersonal interactions on search engines and online platforms. Thus, mandatory regulations do not affect disinformation that mainly occurs as news items or misleading social media posts. A legally binding definition of disinformation based on political and psychological research insights is necessary as a first remedy to these shortcomings. Moreover, algorithms could use the insights of academic theories to designate content categories or modes of expression that warrant closer scrutiny, potential labelling and automated fact-checking, as direct content moderation runs counter to the freedom of expression as enshrined in Art. 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights . Finally, the EU Commission published additional guidelines for providers of online platforms and search engines in the wake of the 2024 EU Parliament Elections that contain valuable yet legally non-binding clarifications on the DSA’s provisions. Including them as legislation would do much to remedy the current shortcomings and strengthen the legal protection against online disinformation. The implications of this combination of psychological and legal vulnerability for the European Union, voters and businesses alike, are that online information sources still require better scrutiny to combat the advance of political and other disinformation. Online search engines and social media are not yet obliged to have adequate content detection and filtering systems to ensure specific informational quality standards, which pose critical threats in the wake of fake accounts, deepfakes, and growing filter bubbles. Hence, organisations of high epistemic quality, such as research institutions, professional journalism and government agencies, remain the only sources of high information legitimacy. While wisdom also dictates caution in using such sources, their documents remain as dikes and bulwarks amidst the flood of inscrutable and unaccountable information spreading in record time across the internet.

  • Afrobeats Unveiled: The Global Ascent of Afrobeats – “From Lagos to the World”

    Author: Simon Gilbert Source: RouteNote Create Blog A few months back, I was entering a quaint little café in Jordaan when I heard an Afrobeats song playing. At first, I was a bit surprised. As someone who is West African and has grown up listening to Afrobeats, it felt like a genre that had long been confined to the African diaspora. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I had been starting to hear Afrobeats everywhere I went, and that this genre had become nearly impossible to escape. Whether I’m in the park, watching TV, at the beach, or dancing in the club, Afrobeats are always playing and increasingly so.  This got me curious about Afrobeats. I decided to dig deeper to explore where the genre came from, how it got to where it is today, and where it might be headed tomorrow. Part I of this series,   Afrobeats Unveiled: Fela Kuti – The Political Pulse Behind the Beat ,  explored the origins of the genre and its founder, Fela Kuti. Today, Fela’s Afrobeat has evolved into a new genre, Afrobeats which over the past decade has become increasingly popular and mainstream. Now, in Part II, we’ll dive into Afrobeats' meteoric rise to global popularity. Afrobeats Recent Boom Think about it, when was the first time that you can recall hearing an Afrobeats song? Did you even know that it was an Afrobeats song back then? For most people, the first Afrobeats song that they can vividly remember was “ Love Nwantiti ” by CKay which exploded into popularity on TikTok. It became one of Shazam’s most-searched songs and also entered as a Top 40 hit in the U.S. Since then, just a few years later in 2024, Afrobeats has gone on to dominate the top charts. Whether you’re looking at the Billboard Hot 100 or any other global music ranking, it’s rare not to encounter Afrobeats. As of 2024, the Grammys have even added an Afrobeats category, further cementing its influence on the global music scene. Although the genre of Afrobeats is quite different from Fela Kuti’s Afrobeat, it still retains many of the key elements that helped to make Afrobeat so unique. Afrobeats are most identifiable by their signature drum beat rhythms. These beats draw inspiration from a variety of traditional African drum patterns across West Africa. The rhythm is often energetic and infectious, serving as the foundation that ties together the diverse artists and elements of the genre. Afrobeats Throughout the 1990s Fela Kuti, the pioneer of Afrobeat, passed away in 1997, marking the end of an era for the genre he had created. However, his influence continued to permeate the musical landscape, laying the groundwork for the evolution of Afrobeat into contemporary Afrobeats. This transition began in the late 1990s and early 2000s, as many Nigerian artists started merging traditional African sounds with elements of mainstream hip-hop, pop, and R&B. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, many artists and groups began to rise to popularity, creating hit songs that defined the era. D’banj gained widespread recognition with tracks like " Oliver Twist ,"  which made it into the U.K. Singles' top 10 charts and made it to the number two position in the UK R&B Charts. While P-Square appealed to audiences with hits such as "Chop My Money," "Personally," "Alingo," and many many more. Their song " Alingo " garnered over 10 million views on YouTube, an impressive feat considering that many Nigerians lacked access to the platform at the time. This meant the views were coming not just from Nigeria but from audiences worldwide. Getting this amount of visibility was a significant achievement for any song, but especially an Afrobeats track during that period. The new sound that emerged during this period provided the foundation upon which today’s Afrobeats are built. P-Square, in particular, found remarkable success not only across the African continent but also within African diasporas worldwide. Their popularity extended beyond these communities, earning them international recognition. They even made appearances on shows like The Wendy Williams Show and joined Tim Westwood for a tour appearance, solidifying their status as some of the first ambassadors of the Afrobeats genre worldwide. Afrobeats Throughout the 2010s The 2010s was really the breakthrough period for Afrobeats worldwide, with many artists officially breaking the barrier into mainstream, international media. These include artists such as Wizkid who has hit songs such as “Joro”, “Mood” (ft. BNXN), and “ Essense ” (ft. Tems). Although, he is most known for his collaboration with Drake in 2016 on the song “ One Dance ”. The song went to top the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, making Wizkid the first Nigerian artist to ever appear on the chart, let alone top it. Since then, he’s gone on to collaborate with global stars such as Beyonce, Chris Brown, and Skepta. Beyoncé also embraced Afrobeats with her 2020 album Black Is King, which was inspired by the film The Lion King. The album featured a number of Afrobeats tracks and artists, further highlighting the genre’s global influence. Check out one of the hit songs from the album here . Burna Boy is another popular artist who has helped transform Afrobeats from a niche genre into a global sensation. Also known as ‘The African Giant’, Burna Boy is currently one of the biggest artists in the world, with over 17 million monthly listeners on Spotify alone. A one-time Grammy Award winner and ten-time nominee, Burna Boy appeared on the Afro-beats scene in 2013, yet, only gained mainstream popularity in the late 2010s. He slowly gained popularity most notably in the U.K. through features such as ‘Location’  by Dave (feat. Burna Boy)’, and ‘ Own It ’ by Stormzy (feat. Ed Sheeran & Burna Boy). However, eventually his persistence and widely successful recent albums ‘I Told Them…”, and “Love, Damini” would shoot him into becoming a household name for many worldwide.  Afrobeats Today  Between 2017 and 2022, according to Spotify on their platform Afrobeats streams increased by 550%. There has been a similar increase of searches, and plays for Afrobeats songs on other streaming platforms such as Apple Music, Youtube, and Anghami. Furthermore, in 2023, artist Rema with his song “ Calm Down ” (feat. Selena Gomez) became the first african-led track to hit a billion streams on Spotify. Streaming platforms largely helped to contribute to the growth of the Afrobeats genre as they make the music more accessible to fans all over the world. The most popular cities for Afrobeats in 2023 were Paris, London, and Nairobi.  Another important component of Afrobeats' recent rise to popularity is the role of social media, especially platforms like Instagram and TikTok. These platforms, with their short-form content style, have greatly contributed to the promotion of Afrobeats music and various dance challenges. TikTok, in particular, has been shown to promote the visibility of many smaller musicians in general, but especially those in the Afrobeats genre. Notable examples include the aforementioned CKay's “Love Nwantiti”, “ Sad Girlz Luv Money ” by Amaarae, and Tyla’s “ Water ”. All of which have gained significant attention through the platform.  Afrobeats is a broad term that encompasses a variety of cultures, sounds, and influences, making it somewhat of a generalization. As the genre continues to evolve, it has not yet had the opportunity to fully differentiate the distinct sounds within the 'Afrobeats' label.  However, I believe that as more Afrobeats music is released and the genre gains further popularity, it will naturally begin to differentiate into more distinct subgenres and styles. Over time, the diversity within Afrobeats will become more pronounced, reflecting the rich and varied cultures of the continent. The majority of mainstream Afrobeats artists today are Nigerian, with Lagos serving as the epicenter of the genre. Many of these artists embrace the mantra "From Lagos to the World," showcasing their mission to share the beauty and vibrancy of African sounds globally. We are already starting to see an increase in the popularity of other African genres, especially Amapiano. Amapiano is the Zulu word for piano and is a mix of deep house, jazz, soul, and lounge music from South Africa. Popular hits such as " Tshwala Bam " by TitoM & Yuppe (my current favorite), " Komasava " by Diamond Platnumz, and " Mnike " by Tyler ICU & are gaining millions of views on social media and streams on TikTok. Even popular American artist Jason Derulo has joined in, featuring on the remix of "Komasava." This goes to show that the sounds from the African continent are reaching global audiences in new and exciting ways, and there's much more to come in the future. Afrobeats is also spreading around the world, with musicians such as Aya Nakamura and Niska in France or Chivv in the Netherlands. Additionally, there are artists in other countries who are not part of the diaspora who are beginning to replicate the Afrobeats sound. Prominent examples include PENOMECO with “ BOLO ” in China and Ezhel with “ Nerdesin ” and “ Kontak ” in Turkey. The Global Impact of Afrobeats: Why It Matters Afrobeats, is a powerful medium of cultural expression, showcasing the rich musical heritage and diverse traditions of West Africa. Rooted in the history of African resistance to colonial oppression. Pioneers like Fela Kuti, not only shaped the genre but also inspired movements for social and political change. The genre empowers African youth by providing a sense of identity and pride in their cultural heritage. It inspires creativity and offers opportunities in the music industry, contributing to economic growth and development. Afrobeats provides a platform for African stories and perspectives, challenging stereotypes and offering a more nuanced representation of African cultures in the global media landscape. Finally, Afrobeats fosters cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. It brings people from different backgrounds together, promoting unity and celebrating diversity through music. In conclusion, Afrobeats stands as a vibrant and dynamic force in the music world, shaping the future of global music while honoring its rich past. So next time you're at a cafe, in a park, on social media, or at the club and an Afrobeats song comes on, you’ll know that you’re not just hearing a catchy tune, you're experiencing the heartbeat of a culture and now you’ll know the powerful legacy behind it.  Afrobeats Recommendations:  If you’ve never listened to Afrobeats or are looking to explore more of the genre, check out a spotify playlist of some songs below! Link To Playlist -

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